Paper Submission

Important Dates







Scope and Topics

The innate goal of the EAI Mobility IoT 2024, 11th EAI International Conference on Mobility, IoT and Smart Cities is to debate on and review the technologies and emerging innovations currently affecting both the industry and connectivity sectors of the future of urban, sustainable and industrial evolution. The conference shall act as a platform for the union and harmony of various perspectives, concepts and schemes regarding smart industrial innovations, such as smart factories, new business models, intelligent urban transport systems, career development, the gender issue, as well as addressing the socio-economic trends and manufacturing sustainability with an action plan towards a climate resilient future. Underlined by a multidisciplinary perspective approach, the mobility agenda calls attention to all inventive technologies, newly formulated managerial ideas and creative innovations to further enhance the learning curve around smart cities.

Internet of Things, Internet of Everything

Creative Technologies

Intelligent transport systems

Economics and Management 4.0

New business models and smart services

Innovation management

Smart Factory (Factory of the Future)

Education and digital well-being

New jobs and skills development

Optimization-based Decision Support Models

Production Logistics in Supply Chain

Logistics and production efficiency improvement in the age of Industry 4.0


Automotive industry, new players, new structure and trends

Smart cities and infrastructure

Intelligent urban transport systems

Social networks and innovation communities

Social media

Career development and new types of jobs

Multiculturality and socio-economic trends

Sustainable energy sources and materials

Environment and climate resilient future

Reducing inequality and gender issue

Sustainability of manufacturing within IoT

Regional Ecosystem

Climate Change


Publication Options will be added soon! 

All accepted papers will be submitted to be published in Springer and made available through the SpringerLink Digital Library (indexed by Scopus, ACM Digital Library, dblp, Google Scholar).Proceedings will be submitted for inclusion in leading indexing services, such as Web of Science, Compendex, Scopus, DBLP, EU Digital Library, Google Scholar, IO-Port, MathSciNet, Inspec, and Zentralblatt MATH. Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version to:
All accepted authors are eligible to submit an extended version in a fast track of:
Additional publication opportunities:
(titles in this series are indexed in Ei Compendex, Web of Science & Scopus)

Fast-tracking of Journal Extensions

The conference best papers will be considered for a submission of extended versions to the Elsevier Performance Evaluation journal.

Paper Submission

Papers should be submitted through EAI ‘Confy+‘ system, and have to comply with the Springer format (see Author’s kit section).

All conference papers undergo a thorough peer review process prior to the final decision and publication. This process is facilitated by experts in the Technical Program Committee during a dedicated conference period. Standard peer review is enhanced by EAI Community Review which allows EAI members to bid to review specific papers. All review assignments are ultimately decided by the responsible Technical Program Committee Members while the Technical Program Committee Chair is responsible for the final acceptance selection. You can learn more about Community Review here.

Author’s kit – Instructions and Templates (ACM)

Please prepare your paper using the 2-column format. View the ACM guidelines here, and please read the following instructions.

  • We recommend using the ACM_SigConf format. See the templates here.
  • Please be sure to use the correct Category and Subject Descriptor in your paper. See the above guidelines for instructions and visit for more information.
  • For invited papers, please add the line “”(Invited Paper)”” after the title of your paper.
  • Your paper must be submitted in PDF format. A PDF creator can be downloaded for Windows here.
  • Failure to meet the formatting guidelines set by ACM, could result in your paper not being included in the ACM Digital Library.
  • Please note that you will see this box at the bottom of the first page. This must remain in this location on your paper ie. at the bottom of the left column. This is the ACM copyright and document/conference identification.

Author’s kit – Instructions and Templates (EAI CORE)

Papers must be formatted using the EAI Core Authors’ Kit.

Please see all the relevant information in the documents attached:

Please make sure that your paper adheres to the format as specified in the instructions and templates.

When uploading the camera-ready copy of your paper, please be sure to upload both:

  • a PDF copy of your paper formatted according to the above templates, andan archive file (e.g. zip, tar.gz) containing the both a PDF copy of your paper and or Word source material prepared according to the above guidelines.

Author’s kit – Instructions and Templates (SPRINGER)

Papers must be formatted using the Springer LNICST Authors’ Kit.

Instructions and templates are available from Springer’s LNICST homepage:


Please make sure that your paper adheres to the format as specified in the instructions and templates.

When uploading the camera-ready copy of your paper, please be sure to upload both:

  • a PDF copy of your paper formatted according to the above templates, and
  • an archive file (e.g. zip, tar.gz) containing the both a PDF copy of your paper and LaTeX or Word source material prepared according to the above guidelines.