This event is endorsed
and organized by

2nd EAI International Conference on Mobility in IoT

October 26–27, 2015 | Rome, Italy


The MobilityIoT 2015 Conference caters for a limited number of workshops on dedicated session topics.
The aim of these workshops is to discuss work in progress and explore opportunities for new research related to a topic of interest within the context of the conference.

Proposals will be evaluated regarding relevance and anticipated interest, and should include Workshop title, presenter information, abstract, and intended audience.

The list of covered topics is, without being limited to, as follows:

You are invited to submit high-quality papers in the following topics (but not limited to):

  • Smart mobility
  • Social innovation: Social networks (social marketing) and Innovation in social areas
  • Mobility and its consequences on health and well being
  • Urban mobility
  • Intelligent transport systems
  • Infrastructure
  • Green vehicles
  • Fast track for transport innovation
  • E-mobility
  • Smart cities
  • Creative cities
  • Socio-economic and behavioural research for policy making
  • Global competitiveness of automotive supply chain management
  • Congestion-free and sustainable mobility
  • Novel trends in Production Devices and Systems
  • The use of soft-computing techniques in the field of Logistics and Production systems
  • The use of simulation techniques as a competitive edge/advantage in Manufacturing and service companies
  • Simulation and mathematical methods for the development of intelligent transport systems
  • Advances in Robotics and machine vision as a key success factor in creative companies
  • Gender diversity and innovation as growing imperative in European Enterprises

A workshop proposal should contain:

  • Title of the workshop
  • A brief description of the specific technical issues that the workshop will address
  • The reasons why the workshop is interesting and timely
  • A draft call for papers, including the workshop submission deadlines
  • Tentative composition of the organizing and program committees

Presentations delivered during the workshops are based on papers that have been selected through peer- review process. Accepted workshop papers are included in the Conference Proceedings. Best workshop paper publications may be included in various Transactions or other journals.

Proposals for workshops should be at most four pages in length and must be submitted by electronic mail to: